

At SampsonRMC, our comprehensive rehabilitation services are coordinated between our staff and your physician. Our individualized therapy care maximizes improvements in strength, range of motion, and return to function in a minimal amount of time. Using the most up-to-date treatment methods, our skilled therapy team helps our patients achieve and often surpass their initial goals of therapy.

By staying up to date on research in rehabilitative therapy, we are able to develop and implement the most effective treatment care plan that accomplishes the best outcome for our patients' needs.


Our team of certified therapists and assistants provides the patients of SampsonRMC with inpatient rehabilitative therapy, which includes physical, occupational and speech. Our therapists work closely with our surgeons and hospitalists to develop patient-specific therapy plans to help our patients achieve their maximum functionality and independence.


The services we offer at our Outpatient Rehabilitation Center include physical, occupational, speech and language, and pediatric therapies.

Our physical therapists use a variety of techniques to diagnose, treat, and manage movement dysfunction to enhance physical and functional abilities. Some of our specialty areas are indicated below:

  • McKenzie Method:  Also known as Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy (MDT), the McKenzie Method is a philosophy of active patient involvement and education that is trusted and used by practitioners and patients all over the world for back, neck, pelvis, arm and leg problems. An evidence-based approach, the key distinction of MDT is its initial assessment component, which is a safe and reliable means to accurately reach a diagnosis and only then make the appropriate treatment plan. Certified McKenzie clinicians have valid indicators to know right away whether, and uniquely how, the method will work for each patient.


  • Lymphedema Management Therapy:  Patients can take part in our lymphedema therapy, which uses manual lymphatic drainage, compression bandages, exercises, and skincare to reduce the risk of infection and restore function.
  • Vestibular Rehabilitation:  Vestibular rehabilitation can be effective in improving symptoms related to many vestibular (inner ear/balance) disorders, and it is intended to alleviate both the primary and secondary problems caused by vestibular disorders.  It is an exercise-based program primarily designed to reduce vertigo and dizziness, gaze instability, or imbalance and falls.

Our therapists are trained to provide therapy to children and young adults ages newborn to 21. From swallowing disorders and delayed development to sports injuries, our therapists work to improve children’s functional ability.

Focuses on recovering and improving bilateral upper extremity functional abilities, specifically: acute and chronic orthopedic or neuromuscular conditions to the digits, hands, wrist, forearms and elbows, as well as some minor shoulder diagnoses when in conjunction with more distal impairments. The treatment goal for all occupational therapy patients is to improve the efficiency of the patient’s Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) and Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADLs).

  • LSVT BIG®:  LSVT BIG® is a specialized movement program originally formulated for individuals with Parkinson's disease. The program aims to correct smaller, stuttered movements and increase mobility, fluidity, and ease of daily activities. Though the program is not able to halt the disease process itself, LSVT BIG® has been shown through research to slow the progression of movement disorders associated with Parkinson's disease and improve individuals' independence while reducing the risk for falls. Recent research has found LSVT BIG® to be an effective treatment method for people with chronic stroke as well. For more information, please refer to

woman doing dishes

Speech and language therapy services are provided to treat a variety of speech, language, swallowing and feeding disorders to ages ranging from pediatric to geriatric. We provide treatment for aphasia, dysarthria, apraxia, articulation, receptive and expressive language, voice, dysphagia, cognitive-communication, fluency, and feeding disorders. Our speech therapist is certified in VitalStim and is PROMPT trained. We perform modified barium swallow studies for both the inpatient and outpatient population.

LSVT LOUD® is an effective treatment for people with neurological conditions such as Parkinson’s disease. LSVT LOUD® trains people to use their voices at a typical loudness level while speaking at home, work or in the community; key to the treatment is helping people adjust their perceptions so that they know how they sound to other people, and can feel comfortable using a stronger voice at a regular loudness level. LSVT LOUD® has shown potential as a treatment option for adults with speech issues from stroke or multiple sclerosis, as well as children with cerebral palsy or Down syndrome. For more information, please refer to

PROMPT stands for Prompts for Restructuring Oral Muscular Phonetic Targets. The technique is a tactile-kinesthetic method that uses touch cues to patients’ articulators (jaw, tongue, lips) to manually guide them through a targeted word, phrase or sentence. The technique builds motor control and the development of proper oral muscular movements, while eliminating excessive muscle movements, such as jaw sliding and inadequate lip rounding. The most common patients have motor speech disorders, articulation problems or are non-verbal children. Many patients with aphasia, apraxia/dyspraxia, dysarthria, pervasive development disorders, cerebral palsy, acquired brain injuries, and autism spectrum disorders have benefitted from PROMPT therapy. For more information please, refer to

To schedule an appointment or to learn more, call 910-596-4244.